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por FJV, em 25.11.07
||| Revista de blogs. Perfeitamente.
保険の加入を考えるときには、保険料がいくらになるのか 良く考える必要があります。保険の相談をするときにも、この保険料の計算はしておく必要があるでしょう。生命保険、火災保険、学資保険などは
{Kozima, no Tomara que Caia}

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De JPG a 25.11.2007 às 17:03

"Consider insurance when the premiums is how much I would need to think better. When insurance consultation, the premiums are calculated on the need to have. Life insurance, fire insurance, such as the student insurance
This calculation is important, I think."

(Google translate (|en))

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